ok, last session from October - woo hoo! : ) (let's just ignore the fact that his 9 month shoot is only a few weeks away...yes, let's.)
I could just swim in this kid's cheeks and his sister - swoon - if raigan ends up even half as delightful as Miss Paige when she's nine I'll be thrilled!
This session was so long ago but I do remember that little Ryan here wasn't exactly a star sitter yet so mom and big sister were just inches away most of the time (especially on the bridge) in order to prevent disaster. (I had to clone out mom's hand A LOT to be totally honest.) The scene at the park that day must have been hilarious...mom would set him up and keep a hand on him and then big sister and I would do anything and everything in our power to pull his gaze away from mom (he LOVES his mama) and as soon as she would hear the "click click click" mom would let go and lay on the ground just inches away ready to catch him when he fell. I kept roaring with laughter at the scene and I'm sure it made for quite the entertainment at the park. My shoots are always like that though and I love it. I wouldn't be surprised if I started some sort of following to help entertain the retired folks on saturday afternoons... : )
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