Any family photographer will tell you that ONE thing will make or break a family photoshoot - dad. Yup, that's it - it's all up to dad. This may sound stupid but I swear it's true. Any and all bumps in the road can be over come as long as dad is on board for having a good time. Crabby toddlers, stiff preteens, stressed out mom, cold weather, etc - all of it can be totally and completely ignored or risen above if dad is happy.
I understand that no man wakes up and squeals "YAY! Photoshoot day!" I know this and that's totally ok. I don't really expect them to *want* to do this - the good ones though will either make the best of it or fake it with all their mite and I don't care which it is - they both work.
My husband is a perfect example. The man (like most men) hates to have his picture taken. He has definitely gotten better about it over the years (for those of you who read my personal blog I'm sure you can see how he doesn't really have a choice.) Last year I BEGGED him for family photos. We didn't do it the first year we had raigan and that crushed me, I was determined to do them for holiday cards in 2009. So like the amazing guy he showed up last October and pulled out all the stops. He was "Mister Family Photoshoot" that day. He tickled raigan and kissed me and hugged us both and he put on a show for an hour that made me fall so in love with him that I could just fall over and die right there. In the end our pictures were amazing thanks a lot to my photographer of course but also in a large part to dereck. He made magic that day and when I come across another dad who does the same I just melt. I would like to introduce you to another awesome husband and dad:
Now don't get me wrong mom is AWESOME as well and Miss Halle, well she's just a show stopper. So the combination of the three of them make for pure magic in my book. Looking at their final images I'm sure you all can agree. : )
**And due to popular outtake. I'm going to try and post one from every shoot when I can just for kicks and because everyone can always use a good clean laugh right? : )
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